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Mission, Philosophy, & Principles of Conduct


Mission Statement

The Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. represent the interest of merit shop contractors and its employees in the protection and enhancement of the free enterprise system within the construction industry, policy making process of government provision of educational, marketing and informational programs.

ABC members strongly believe in their right to manage their companies and job sites free of coercion and artificial restraints. They also believe that workers should be hired and paid on the basis of individual merit, that contracts should be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, and that the continuation of craft and safety training is the life blood of our industry.

ABC and The Merit Shop Philosophy

ABC is the VOICE OF THE MERIT SHOP® and we accept the responsibility for ensuring that voice is heard. We believe the merit shop movement is a movement for the betterment of the individual, the construction industry and the nation.

We believe in the system of free enterprise.

We believe employees and employers should have the right to determine wages and working conditions through either individual or collective bargaining, as they choose, within the boundaries of the law.

We believe the employer must have concern for the general welfare of the employee and that there must be a fair compensation for work performed. At the same time, we believe that the employee has an obligation for satisfactory performance of assigned work.

We support sound legislation in the areas of workers compensation, safety and unemployment compensation.

We believe legislation that embraces fair play for employer and employee is essential to the preservation of our free enterprise system.

We believe the law should protect the right of employees to work regardless of race, color, creed, age, sex, national origin or membership or non-membership in a labor organization. We believe work opportunities should be made available to all legal residents and we support programs toward this end.

We oppose violence, coercion, intimidation and the denial of the rights of employees and employers.

We believe it is incumbent upon all branches of government to be responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars and we believe that government should award contracts only to the lowest responsible bidder. We oppose unjust pressure to violate these principles.

We believe monopolies or any kind of price or wage fixing, in either the public or private sector, are detrimental to our system of free enterprise.

We believe the destiny of all Americans can be best served by cooperation, reconciliation and following the tenants of free enterprise and a democratic government. We believe business leaders can best preserve these tenets by becoming active in politics and civic affairs.

Principles of Conduct

In seeking to affirm and advance our belief in the Free Enterprise System; we, the members of the Associated Builders and Contractors of the Carolinas, Inc., do hereby enact and acclaim these Principles of Conduct.

These principles are the standards to which we willingly adhere in the pursuit of fair business and open competition for the betterment of our employees, our companies, and our industry.

As members of this association; we strive to observe, exemplify, and teach the following Principles of Conduct:

  • Quote only realistic prices and completion dates and perform accordingly
  • Make all payments promptly within the terms of a contract
  • Solicit quotations only from firms with which we are willing to do business
  • Contract fairly with the opportunity for fair profit for all tiers
  • Establish realistic wage and benefits schedules for our employees commensurate with their ability and their industry so that they may enjoy the dignity to which they are entitled
  • Protect the opportunity to work and advance for all people regardless of race, creed, color, age, sex, or national origin
  • Protect the confidentiality and fairness of pricing by never disclosing a received bid to another bidder with the intention of enticing either party to lower its original bid
  • Actively participate in the training of skilled tradesmen for the betterment of the individual and our industry
  • Cooperate to the fullest extent we are able with the owner, designers, general contractor, subcontractors, and suppliers toward the mutually successful completion of any project
  • Advance these principles through example, employee training, self-discipline, and by seeking to do business with those companies and individuals that observe these principles.

Get In Touch

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.

The events that ABC of the Carolinas puts on are second to none! Lots of networking opportunities and great training programs to boot!

Sam Hayes
Landmark Construction

Not only is ABC the leader in our industry as it relates to Safety, Workforce Development, and the protection of the Merit Shop. It is also where I have found the highest quality subcontractors, vendors, and suppliers to help us deliver the best projects to our clients. ABC Carolinas and its Members continue to lead the construction industry in every way.

Ryan Wathen
Rodgers Builders

ABC Carolinas provide the perfect environment to network and connect with subcontractors, vendors and suppliers in the industry. Their focus on safety, workforce development and government affairs adds significant value to the construction industry in North Carolina and South Carolina. For Graycor, our investment and participation in ABC Carolinas continues to pay dividends and a solid return on investment.

Brian Gallagher

ABC Carolinas sets the bar for Industry networking, engagement, training, and future success. The combination of general contractors, sub-contractors, vendors, and suppliers is second to none! Their commitment to welcoming every new Member company and introducing them to all the above is something you will not experience in any other group.

Karen Yoder
Catalyst Construction Company

The networking opportunities and professional relationships I’ve developed would have never happened without ABC Carolinas. I am proud to be a member of a trade organization that fights for its members.  I am constantly amazed at the pool of knowledge that surrounds me when I attend an ABCC function.  If you care about the construction industry, you should be a member of ABC Carolinas.

Mike Douglas
Samet Corporation