Midlands Sporting Clay Tournament
Thanks to our Title Sponsor:
Please join us for the Inaugural Midlands Sporting Clay Tournament sponsored by Doggett Concrete Construction Wednesday, April 12th at Rocky Creek Sporting Clays! This is a unique event that allows participants to enjoy one of the fastest-growing shooting sports around while supporting the many construction industry initiatives of ABCC.
You’ll enjoy a fun morning of shooting clays and networking with some of the best folks in the industry, on a course of 14 shooting stations.
9:00am – Arrive and Registration
9:30am – Safety Talk
10:00am – Clay Shoot
12:30pm – Networking Lunch with BBQ + Bar + Awards
$650 – Four Shooter Team
$175 – Individual
Includes ammo, clays, snacks, beverages, and lunch.
Bring your own gun (limited amount can be rented)
$30 – Lunch Networking Only (Not a shooter)
Sponsorships are available:
$500 Beverage Cart Sponsor includes:
Name/Logo displayed prominently at the event and on the cart.
$350 Lunch Sponsor includes:
Name/Logo displayed prominently at the event and on the lunch tables.
$350 Bar Sponsor includes:
Name/Logo displayed prominently at the event and on the bar.
$300 Awards Sponsor includes:
Name/Logo displayed prominently at the event.
Able to distribute awards.
$150 Station Sponsor includes:
Name/Logo displayed prominently at one of the event stations.
Thanks to the following Hard Hat Pearl Sponsors: